Aug 19, 2008

New porn channel lets Canadians strut their stuff

TORONTO (Reuters)- Federal regulators have GRANTED Alberta-based Real Productions approval to launch a new digital pornography channel, which promises to serve up at least 50 percent domestic content...READ MORE

NOTE: Please note the word "Granted!" Can you see why, and explain why this word when used in this situation, is incompatable with true freedom and liberty? Please leave a comment displaying your best argument for or against my statement. LETS DEBATE!!! And most of all be informed and have fun!

Sean Morley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freedom is about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as someone once said. Unfortunately, many accept the notion that government "grants" us the authority to use our freedom. Hence the political climate we live in today.

If we don't like the freedom being exercised, in this case free speech in the form of pornography, we have an option--TURN OFF THE CHANNEL!!!

This is not to deny the right to protest. If you think the effects of pornography are too dangerous to ignore, then use your free speech to inform your neighbors, friends, family, etc. Then you let the persuasiveness of your arguments and power of the FREE MARKET decide if there's any merit to the "moral decay" argument against pornography.

But resorting to government censorship only guarantees one thing-that someday, the governments' guns will be pointed at your right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.