Apr 16, 2008


Sean Morley has been reading over the platforms of all the candidates. Sean has kept his eyes and ears open as he E-follows(yes I said E-follows) the seekers of power criss-crossing this once great nation. Oh wait...I mean "seekers of power criss-crossing this GREAT NATION!" Who will The Freetarian support in 08 for president? Stay tuned because very very very soon, The Freetarian will reveal who he will throw his support behind. Mean while, you can try and guess who The Freetarian will support by taking the poll on the right side of this blog. Then stay tuned as Sean will let the world know who he thinks would be best for president.


Anonymous said...

I just hope you don't support the Patriot Act-voting, Iraq War-authorizing, fierce drug warrior who now says he opposes all of those things, Bob Barr.

Melinda said...

Ron Paul?

MarkBGraham2008 said...

Mr Sean Morley my name is Mark B Graham and I am running for President as a Independent in 2008 Are you tired like me of the Republicans and Democrats parties saying they are for every American in the United States.My Vision as an independent president, elected by and serving you the American voters, not the political parties .The Democrats and Republicans say they are here to make a change well with the War in IRAQ and the high cost of Gas Also the Infrastructure is so bad and forgotten I want to fix this as President.Can we really trust the Democrats and Republicans Well I dont.
Please include me in your list